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Specific Newspaper weave pattern removal


Well-Known Member
JPG of old picture from newspaper with background weave pattern needing removal

I write local history and have found a JPG on Ancestry with only picture I have been able to find of Henry George Bohn a famous bibliographer. Possibly from a newspaper it has look alike fabric weave/car track pattern in background. Is there a whizz kid that could help clean up the image? I am computer literate but this has proved beyond me. I am a young 72 and ex-IBM.... I would be so grateful for help. Best wishes Roger

h g bohn.jpg
I don't know how to do this myself, but in case you're interested, there are external 3rd party plug-ins for Photoshop called Fast Fourier Transforms, which are made for this. Possibly someone else here does have one of these plug-ins and can clean this up. Here's a tutorial.

I've never seen a halftone like this. This project might not , but I wish would. generate some discussion. Its a conventional halftone with a medium 'gray' tone rectangle embedded. Of course that's my ignorance but the only way I can think to explain that is a sharp photo of the original newspaper and then a poor resampling to a smaller size. That could cause repetitive blurring at some frequencies into a middle-ish gray and form those boxes. It can't be a true half tone because of that true gray.

At any rate I tried in PS to reduce this halftone and was less than happy with the result (see below) But I do like that resultant mess turned into a drawing. It simplifies the bad and keeps the edges and looks pretty much like a real drawing. I have no idea if it would be usable but it was fun doing at least.

h g bohn_2.jpg

h g bohn_1a-2x No32CTI_v2a_FIN-small.jpg
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You're welcome! :)
[ iLLuSioN ] I am gobsmacked. These are truly amazing and remarkable results

The more I thought about the halftoning in the OP's picture the more I'm convinced it's just simple moiré from the original digital capture, probably very common. None the less , even with the huge loss of information in the halftoning and the loss of information in that moiré, you managed to clean up that mess beautifully and then somehow illustrate/augment stellar detail on top of that. I am in awe:)

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[ iLLuSioN ] I am gobsmacked. These are truly amazing and remarkable results

The more I thought about the halftoning in the OP's picture the more I'm convinced it's just simple moiré from the original digital capture, probably very common. None the less , even with the huge loss of information in the halftoning and the loss of information in that moiré, you managed to clean up that mess beautifully and then somehow illustrate/augment stellar detail on top of that. I am in awe:)

I concur and quite impressive!! Great job @[ iLLuSioN ]
