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Newbie To Forum AND PS


New Member
Hi! I'm new to this forum, also new to using Photoshop, I'm currently using CS2.

I just made the switch having used GIMP for about 5 months. At the moment I am only doing signatures for people on different forums, but I am starting to dabble in abstract wallpapers (Not good ones admittedly :rolleyes:).

The problem I have at the moment is scrolling between two signatures (Fading one out into another, then the reverse procedure) While I have done the animation for it, I cannot save the finished siggy so that it can be posted on a forum.

I know I will just be doing something very basic wrong but I need help... I'm trying to post on Photobucket if that is any help towards an explanation.

I'm at work at the moment so I will post a full introduction later!
