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Newbie possibly(hopefully) creating a template?


New Member
Hello all,

Brand new to the forum and I look forward to learning asmuch as possible about this amazing program, Photoshop!
My first struggle I am facing is the main reason I purchasedPhotoshop in the first place! I want to recreate a border shown in the picturesbelow. I have contacted the original creator and have heard no reply from theoriginal forum I saw these on so instead I am resorting to creating my own. Mygoal is to make somewhat of a template exactly like the blue border he has onhis covers. The purpose for the template is so that I can use the same borderevery time and just add in different pictures/posters for my own movies. ExceptI would like a black/dark dark gray design insetead of the blue. The firstproblem i’m running into as a newbie is ACTUALLY CREATING THESHAPES/DESIGN/BORDER! The second one would be setting it to a certain size thatI can continuously use and then the last problem would be saving it as atemplate. I’m guessing it would have to be its own layer, right? I’ve triedlooking for vector packs with similar design but with no luck, I’m not sure howto create something like this.

My goal is to print out hundreds of these to replace myexisting blu-ray covers with my own matching set, and I would appreciate anyand all help!
Thank You,

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Yes! That is very helpful in creating the cover and the design but I'm still running into the problem of creating those shapes, any idea on that?

I also noticed the pictures weren't showing up so I added them in a different way in hopes you can see them now.
I think I may have figured it out, I used the line tool and then used that to make a shape along the template provided. Now when I am all finished up what is the best way to separate all the shapes I create into their own layer for later use?
Can you show us with screen shots or images?

Absolutely, when I get home tonight I'm gonna finish up my first design, ill probably end up modifying it later but I will put up a screenshot of what I have just to figure out how to do that. Thanks!
