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New Member

I'm a graphic designer, but haven't had to use Photoshop for much more than photo touch-ups. I'm hopefully getting freelance that will be mostly Photoshop. This means LOTS of effects, so I thought I'd try out this forum to get some pointers. I hope to learn some good stuff.

Welcome to the forum princess. You will certainly pick up ideas and techniques here. Feel free to ask questions, post effects and ask how this is done, show your work. If you participate in the challenges, you'll learn stuff. If you take part in others' problem solutions that catch your eye, you'll get lots of advice that will be helpful to you too. Maybe you'll even be able to give some help. Good to have you join us.
welcome welcome to the forum :)
I'm prety much amazed how people touch-up images and trying some things myself aswell and learning learning learning ...... yay...:wink:
best way to learn , ive learned a lot and getting better each day , the challenges and requests are where im learning the lot , trying to do something that someone has requested and looking at others work , asking questions etc moves you quickly to a higher level
