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New User- Need help with breakdown of values (CS3)


New Member
Hello I am a new user to the photoshop world. I have the CS3 version. I need to figure out how to be able to break down a photo only to 4 values.

A little mor einfo on what I am doing. I have converted the color photo to grayscale and now i have to convert it to only four values so that I can do a painting project and match the four values ( value scale type project). Unfortunately I have no idea where to begin on how to break down the photo to only have four values. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
try this... at the bottom of the layers palette is a 'circle icon' divided in half ( black and white ) click that and in the menu click on posterize. Open the 'info'
dialog. now measure the levels until you count 4 ( if you're counting black and white ) or 6 ( if you're not counting black and white ). The measurements are in percentages. The higher the number, the more grey levels.
