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New to the forum, just saying hello

SwanStar Designs

New Member
Hi everyone.. just thought I'd register and say Hello

I've been using Photoshop for 15 years or so, but I'm all self-taught so I've got loads of bad habits and in general I tend to do things the hard way without realising there are easier ways. I'm here because I'm hoping to learn more (and help others too, if I can). Shortcuts are great, but I like to learn how to crawl, walk, and run before I fly.

I've just bought myself a Wacom Intuos5 Touch (yay me!)

Fantasy/Sci-fi art is my main objective. Second to that is some fun t-shirt designs.

Umm.. so, I don't really have a question just yet.. but I'm sure I will once I open the Wacom box and get to work!


Kathryn (SwanStar Designs)... an Aussie based in the UK :-)
Welcome Kathryn, this place is full of ideas. Any help or suggestions always welcomed good luck with your swanstar designs
Welceme to PSGurus, Kathryn.

Happens to all self-taught users of PS. In fact, there's new things to discover the longer you use Photoshop. As for the bad habits, iDAD would know... lol

An Aussie in UK.... We've got a Mod from UK now based in Australia. PAUUUUULLLL....... he'll be here....
YEAH my bad habits are kind of liiiiiiiike, drooling words like dv8_fx does, I think that lizard tongue gets hung up in his teeth:bustagut:
Welcome to PSG...

I really hope to see you and some of your work here.

Kindest regards

I've been building up bad habits and doing stuff the hard way for too d4mn long so I thought it was about time I learned how to use Ps properly!

I'm hoping to reduce the amount of tedious headbutting I do, :banghead:, and turn it into 'facepalming' at finally discovering how easy stuff could'a been if I'd have just read the instructions.

Hopefully I'll see lots of this soon -:yourock:... and I'll be like 'Oh yeah!' :rocker:
