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New to site, Matte questions


Well, Using the matte function in the 'Save for Web' feature.

I have a pillow embossed sig(Below), and as such I have had to set the matte to #ffffff. Is there any way to set a transparent matte (stupid I know)

so that the emboss looks ok on all BGs, as usually I end up saving for #505965, and #999999, kinda annoying.

~Hi all.

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FR33K said:
Is there any way to set a transparent matte (stupid I know)
No. The whole purpose of matte is to create some kind of anti-alias. You can't create an anti-alias with only one color. For example a red sphere on a black background needs darker reds to create this smooth transistion called anti-alias.
With matte color black for this transparent GIF, you're instructing photoshop to go from red towards black. Pure black in this case would be transparent.
