I have been a part-time PS user and now need to retouch many, many images so must become more proficient. I've been using PS CS4 on an Imac. There are many things i don't know and can't find the answers to.
I need to say, first, that last year I bought a tablet for AI, and when I installed the tablet, PS Elements came up. I did not want to use Elements and am very confused when I install a new image from my camera. I would like to uninstall it, but am afraid that I will lose images, so just leave it there and spend time going back and forth.
So, here is my first PS :neutral:question. How do I 'revert' to last saved (do I have to use the history palette)?
I have been a part-time PS user and now need to retouch many, many images so must become more proficient. I've been using PS CS4 on an Imac. There are many things i don't know and can't find the answers to.
I need to say, first, that last year I bought a tablet for AI, and when I installed the tablet, PS Elements came up. I did not want to use Elements and am very confused when I install a new image from my camera. I would like to uninstall it, but am afraid that I will lose images, so just leave it there and spend time going back and forth.
So, here is my first PS :neutral:question. How do I 'revert' to last saved (do I have to use the history palette)?