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new texture trick with conte and noise


Been a long time since I played with creating textures. So here goes:

1/ Noise: 65% Monochromatic Gaussian black and white
2/ Sketch Cont?:
foreground11, background7
scaling95 relief 26 light top
3/ 1,5 pix Gaussian Blur
4/ Lighting Effects:
light type omni, expand to whole surface
intensity10, gloss64,mat85, exp0, amb0
any texture channel as all 3 are equal
white is high, height50

this is a basic layer. To get rid off the slight lighter spot in the centre use the highpass filter, then levels of better: curves

I added a similar layer, started from clouds in brownish hues to add some clour here.

Finally sharpen a bit.

8)) have fun
Thanks Erik. I've experminted it with it for about 15 min and I had a lot of fun, for that I say "thank you"! 8))
