You have nice pictures to begin with, and you have a good idea, but it does look kind of off. I have been trying to figure out what you have done, but I´m not sure.
For one thing, I think it looks like you have maybe gone too far with some blending modes, like "hard light"? (I have Swedish photoshop so I don´t always know that things are called in English). Maybe you have also gone too far with the exposure blending mode too. I think if you go back and lower the opacity of these blended layers, it might not look so harsh, or even change to a different one.
You could also try dragging a gradient or two over it. With the girl and the swing, it kind of makes you wonder what it is she´s hanging from, maybe you could cloud up the top of the ropes or something to blend it in with the sky, or swirl some weird stuff around the ropes or something?
I don´t know, but I do think it would be a really lovely picture if you were able to fix it. I can see what you were aiming at, at least, and the idea is very nice.