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New Painting


Painting called "Down By The Lake", Not sure what style you would call it though, stumbled across doing this effect in the filter gallery, did a pretty bog standard painting that i thought was completely rubbish, then messed around with the filter gallery just trying things out, thought this was good what ended up with.

Down By The Lake Painting.jpg

Image is low resolution, full image size and resolution in signature.
This is really nice as it's composed with filters. Done a really decent job on it.

Surprised it takes a long time for it to get any sort of posts or feedback. My only quibble is I not 100% sure what she is hugging lol.
The branches of the tree is meeting with the unspecified huggable object lol, making it somewhat difficult to decipher lol.
I love this one, good filter usage, not overdone.
I'm sure it would look great printed on canvas in a big size!
I love it makes you want to look closer and that is what art is all about.
Thanks everyone, I see what was meant about the area around the top of the dogs right ear, Will had paint that out so doesn't look a bit odd in that area, It looks like the filter has picked up the dark area on the tree bark as well as the dark area of the dogs ear and filtered it together as part of the same shading.

Thanks again everyone for taking a look and the comments, relay thoughtful and appreciated. Thank you.
