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New member

Barb Schaarschmidt

Active Member
Hi. I wonder if anyone reads these new member introductions. Anyway, I am new to visual design. I worked in finance for 15 years before my industry collapsed and now I'm back in school hoping to learn enough to start a new career. I'm working with 3d for the first time in Photoshop, hoping to learn some extra stuff on my winter break so that I can do some work on a personal (hopefully eventually commercial) project.
Welcome to PSGurus , Barb.

lol... off course we do read them. There's a usual welcome wagon around.

There's a lot to be learned about Photoshop and volumes of knowledge within these halls. Feel free to browse through. Don't hesitate to post your problems and querries - big or small. But above all, take part in all the activities you'll find around here.

