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New Member says Hi


I have just joined the group, so am popping in to say Hi!

I am a web and graphic designer on the South Coast of England, and I have joined to hopefully be inspired with new ideas and inspiration... and possiblt some design hints too.

I am currently using CS5 creative suite...

And I would love to have recomendations of some photshop/dreamweaver forums / sites that are friendly on my iphone - particularily forums that use the Tapatalk app as it is a great way to keep upto date.... can anyone make some suggestions....

Anyway look forward to chattting with you all.
Hello and welcome to PSG.

I'm not sure if this forum is iphone friendly... can anyone tell me?

Never heard of Tapatalk..... what is it?
it probably is I use iTouch a lot on here
Taptalk is an app for accessing and posting messages to forums
the forum adminstrations need to have " installed the server extension" for it to work... and it provides full forum access on iPhone/blacknerry/android and nokia including ability to check private messages, upload photos from your camera and ability to search forum, etc. All with super-fast direct forum.

I would post a link - but I am not allowed yet :)
Thanks for the info, I'll check it out.

Would you be willing to test it for me if I can get it installed here? Unfortunately I don't have an iphone :(
Ok I have installed TapaTalk on the forum and everything should be working now. Try it out and let me know if there's any issues.


So you have... A simple search on the app this morning for Photoshop forums and your number one :)

On the trial version you can't reply.. But on the full version you can... So hopefully this will publish ok!

I am really impressed!!! Thanks
Seems to have worked fine if you wrote that from TapaTalk :)

Actually it's a cool addon and I'm happy you suggested it.

Hopefully this will be useful for our members with iPhones.
Should work with applications as well!

It is useful for following a tutorial... you can use the computer and refer to the iphone/pad/touch etc.... without having to minimise screens....
Yea it's always nice to have a tut on something more portable and work on your main computer. I use my laptop for that sometimes :)

Thanks again for the recommendation.

If you have any other feedback that would make the site more mobile friendly let me know I'm very open to the notion.
I have been using iTouch on this website even before I joined it no app needed ,works fine I mod this site a lot from it I wakeup sometimes 3/4 am and zap a few spammers with it .........while drinking coffee lol
I have been using iTouch on this website even before I joined it no app needed ,works fine I mod this site a lot from it I wakeup sometimes 3/4 am and zap a few spammers with it .........while drinking coffee lol

lol at having coffee at 3/4am have you ever thought about going back to sleep?
Sleep,What's that?

oh yea I forgot you don't sleep like I don't, but my reason for now sleeping is you keep me up till 3 in the moring lol jks
