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New member Photoshop rabbit.


New Member
I am as yet only a user of Photoshop's basic facilities. I used film until very recently and want to know how to get the same effect on my digital images as I did when using yellow/orange filters on my B&W film images. Can anyone of you experts kindly point me in the right direction. Iam using Photoshop 7.0
Hi finbostic and welcome to PSG.
What you don't want to do is set your camera to Black and White, or in Photoshop, just "desaturate" your image.
I don't beleive PS7 has Image|Adjustments|Black and White but if it does, start there.

I found something from Adobe that you may find useful.
Thanks for that info. I never take pictures in B&W doing any adjustments through Grayscale , then RGB. The Adobe article was a bit complicated and didn't really achive the result.
how about photo filter>image> Adjustments>PHOTO FILTER/. give that a try
You could try Channel Mixer instead.
Again I don't know what you have in PS7

It should be available as an adjustment layer or under Image|Adjustments|Channel Mixer.

Check the Monochrome box and play with the presets.
