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New here and new to photoshop


New Member
Hi everyone, I'm not a photoshop guru, but I'm inclined to learn it and I will. I like blogging, web designing, web development and writing. As for web designing and web development, I'm still in beta! ;-)My name, you can call me either Gauresh Singh or Gnayas Vartik, both will refer to me. I searched for 'beating heart gif image' for I needed it for my blog and I landed here. Maybe someday I'll be able to make it for myself but as for now I am dependent. I'm not allowed to post link but if anybody is interested in my blog they can find me by searching 'word x press ur heart' on google, writingloves hosted by wordpress dot com. Hope you'll find it.Nice to meet you guys and to this website.
Welcome to the forum, Gauresh.

I see you've found the heart in another thread. Steve will be on any time now . Only he can allow it.

For the moment, enjoy browsing through our forum... take part in the activities you'll find here.

May I suggest hitting the tutorials section to learn many of photo-shops secrets.
As many of them are revealed there; LOL JK.
So anyway Welcome.
