preposterous.....where's the welcome committee and the party truck that usually comes hurling in when there's a new guy???
Hm. Well new guy, since you're new, and the old guys (of which there are a lot here), are feeling too old to come lighten the spirits, how about this not-old-but-not-new lady (c'est moi), welcomes you warmly to the Guru's???
The party is, well everywhere and the new people are well....also everywhere, but more surprisingly the old people are definitely everywhere. So grab a glass of PG-13 wine aka "Old people's pudding", strap yourself in and enjoy the tour followed by dinner.....followed by a show....followed by your induction to the program, and last but not least, some day maybe soon, you will be the old guy welcoming the "new" new guy.
Haaaaa, well all that craziness aside, welcome, hope you enjoy, just thought I'd give someone something to smile about since no one said hello to you yet. worries, not everyone is a weird as me.