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Need to play a trick on mate while on holiday!!


Ok, i know a little about photoshop...minimal..

I want to play a trick on my friend who is on holiday. Basically i want to make his brand new white audi look like someone has paintbombed his car or similar to that effect as it is his little baby..... cruel i know but there are bound to be some people out there as evilas myself!!! lol

Any help would be well received

Thanks, Roy.
are we to assume any white audi will do or do you have a specific 1 inmind ie upload a pic of his car
We live just outside belfast, and there have been riots recently (for some stupid reason).

He has been txting me asking if the house and cars are ok. but just want to give a few sleepless nights :devilish: then i will tell him the truth!!...maybe.
Ooooo that's mean! That shouldn't be too hard to do though, huh Hoogle. Give him a cracked windshield too! If someone hasn't helped you out by the time I get back from my business today, I'll give it a shot.

But, I think if I were you Roy, I wouldn't let him stew that long. It's pretty wicked and payback's a b__ch!
yeah, he got the love of my life... my GSX 1400 while i was on holiday.. not the wife:p and videoed himself wheeling up and down the local race track!! he is lucky i cant find the keys to his bikes!! :evil:

.. so yeah, payback is a b-atch!! lol

but with the goings on here it will be more convincing as he has seen it on sky news!! :lol:

Thanks guys
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