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Need to fix this type of picture


New Member
I took this picture but it is washed out. Not sure why the camera did it, but want to fix it.

Please advise as to the steps using Photoshop CS4 - I am just now trying to learn how to use it and this could be the first of many projects to fix pictures for my family.


My Image
try lowering the brightness contrast a bit

Thanks, this helped.

However, I have a few pictures where the white items tend to "bleed" out causing a weird whitish "glow". Any way to fix/minimize this?
without seeing where I can not say, perhaps someone else can, sorry
Go to image, select Auto Tone, Auto Contrast, and Auto Colour. This helps the image out a lot (if you don't like any of the three methods, just undo one of them).

I would personally use a large, soft brush and use the burn tool at the center. If you use CS4, be sure that the "Protect Tones" is ticked.
