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Specific Need to be red


New Member
I don't know how to do it so I reach for help here, if anyone can change the purple to red would be great. A red but not a very bright one.

Yes..............a please and thank you would be helpful.
View attachment 117787

That is a little vague. It is always best to mention a desired RGB. Hoping this suffices to your needs.

Also the Title + Opening Post put together carry a request score of less than 20%. Maybe not everyone would like to take a command like I did just here.:unsure:

desired RGB, I am not familiar with these terms? something like an example?

maybe this like this? rgb(206, 1, 0) but i have no idea how will look in the photo, but I can add an image of that red I want, something around that. My bad for coming out too straight forward and no manners, I appreciate your work, all of you here. Thank you for that, it's good if you don't wanna give it a second try I understand.

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"I don't know how" and you never will if someone always does things for you.

If you are actually interested in knowing how, there are many ways. One is to use a gradient map.

Screenshot 2020-12-19 090514.jpg
This is really a creative piece so leaves a lot to interpretation. So played with it a bit and using your color choice, came up with several versions:

purple to red V1.jpg

purple to red V2.jpg

purple to red V3.jpg

First two were done with hue & saturation adjustment layers. The third one I just overlaid a desaturated version,changed blend mode to overlay, and masked out some areas.
For this piece, it's really up to the artist since it's not just an image, it's obviously a statement of emotion.
Overall, a really interesting image to begin with.

- Jeff
A lot of possible variations.
I just used a Hue/Sat layer with custom selection of what color hues to change and did a color shift.
Tried to keep similar luminosity and Hues in the other areas.
There were actually darker areas that had a blue hue instead of more purple/magenta and left a ghost of that color in.
Lots of ways to do this depending on what feeling you want to come across
John Wheeler

ADDED EDIT - I included at the bottom the actual Hue map of the image


