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3D Need Steps to wrapping text with CS4 3d (cylinder)


New Member
Any Photoshop Guru out there able to get me out of a Jam?

I have a client that wants me to wrap 200 different wine names on a generic wine bottle with a white label. I must use the wine bottle he's given me. I need to figure out how I can stamp the wine name on the label and allow it to wrap around the bottle perfectly following the path of the label. I don't know Illustrator, but I seem to be able to do it using Photoshop > 3D > New Shape from layer > wine bottle

When I do this, I write out the wine name with the text tool and it wraps nicely around the Wine bottle shape. However, I can't figure out how to remove the wine bottle shape and just preserve the text. My goal is to then place the text on my original wine bottle image given to me by my client. My problem, if I delete the photoshop wine bottle shape I lose everything.
Can any helpful soul help me out?

For the record I have looked everywhere for the answer and it's just not there. Some folks say use the sphere tool, but that's does not give it a realistic look as the 3D.

Thanks to everyone in advance.
write your text, shape it and save just that layer as .png Now you have it to put where you want
"wrapping text with CS4 3d"?
you can check this video from youtube, hope it help hxxp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SRZDi1QdG5U
