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After Effects Need some Paid help with upcoming Video projects

Gary Pranzo

New Member
We want to subcontract some more editors for some projects we shot.

We pay via commissions on sales. We currently have 5 other subcontractors editing for us making anywhere from $100 to over $1000 a week depending on how much time they want to put into it. You work from home and we upload the footage to you and you upload completed projects back to us.

If you are interested PM or email me for details

Gary Pranzo
Media Impact LLC

I am an experienced cameraman & Editor with own expertise and a modern post production studio; facility include FULL HD editing suit, FCP as well as
Microsoft platform Adobe Premiere pro CS4, capable to edit AVCHD native files. I use Sony HVR-NX5 full HD camcorder(native AVCHD recording).
Presently partcipating in "Emarging Film-makers programme" at Howcast Media, USA.I also contributed nearly 500 videos for Demand Studios,USA.





Sarit08 you need to be more than 1 month member in order to take freelance work on this forum, maybe in august?
