As someone who dpes a lot of light painting I am not so sure this will do for you in my honest opinion but this could be because I cant seem to find the full specification.
The shutter speeds on that camera state they are from 8 seconds to 1\2000 But I can not see if ou can control that or if that is what is potential under auto modes.
Even if you can control that then 8 seconds may not be long enough to get any real light painting in. Possibly scribble your name and that is depending if you have someone taking the picture or if you are doing it yourself.
Ideally I would look for a camera that has 20+ seconds shutter speed or better still a mode called Bulb mode you can connect a shutter release cable to your camera and as soon as you lock it in place the shutter stays open until you close it again so potentiall a couple of hours. This may not be available in none DSLR cameras I am not sure about it.
The camera for a camera seems very reasonablly priced and good quality I have my reservations though for these hogh specced cameras at low price. They do a great job during the day in nice light etc but when you reach the top end of the zoom in this case probably anything between the 500 and 720 mm focal length your images may get very noisey.
Also this may happen in low lights but without reading a proper review I cant say that for sure.
Also are you happy with only having a live view display and not a viewfinder.
Live view displays have a slight delay in from what your lens is seeing and what it generates in the lcd screen for you and tends to have a lot softer focusing. But that is from my personal experience and I am a viewfinder man lol.
Here are some Pics I took last night in low lighting levels I will try and put the shutter speeds with them.
Ok admittedly you will not need as long shutter speeds as this as you will probably not be using f22 or exposure compensation to under expose and you will have the option of increasing your iso but the last 2 images shows the difference between 10 seconds in shutter speed.
And admittedly I went out last night to do things against what you would normally have done for this ind of photography but I was in an experimental mode so was just seeing what I could push my camera to.
I hope this helps.