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Specific Need some assistance on recoloring a photo

A couple ways
1) Save the full size image to a file/image sharing service and provide the link to the image.
2) At least for JPEG files I believe the file size limitations are 3500x3500 pixels and at least 3 MB. Other forum members or admin probably could give more accurate numbers. So if you don't want to provide a link to a sharing site you would need to resize the image.
john Wheeler
A couple ways
1) Save the full size image to a file/image sharing service and provide the link to the image.
2) At least for JPEG files I believe the file size limitations are 3500x3500 pixels and at least 3 MB. Other forum members or admin probably could give more accurate numbers. So if you don't want to provide a link to a sharing site you would need to resize the image.
john Wheeler
I uploaded a link to icloud.
You will need to share the link to your image in your post so we can access the image

The link to the OP's image has been appended to post #1 above.

Joe... just curious if there's anything special about the image you want colored. Here is a color version of a nearly identical image of the same ship. Will this do?

Cape Henlopen.jpg
The main reason I wanna use the photo I picked was because it's super high quality and I need the kinda forward side profile view. If all I needed was a picture of the boat, I would agree and go with your picture. Thanks for the suggestion though!
Here's my attempt at coloring the image. Based on the color photo I attached above, the actual boat is mostly black & white with just a small amount of blue trim. I had to shrink it down to be able to post to this forum, but I've also attached a compressed Zip file that will hopefully expand to the original size. Let me know if the zip file doesn't work.

Ship (reduced size).jpg


Here's my attempt at coloring the image. Based on the color photo I attached above, the actual boat is mostly black & white with just a small amount of blue trim. I had to shrink it down to be able to post to this forum, but I've also attached a compressed Zip file that will hopefully expand to the original size. Let me know if the zip file doesn't work.

View attachment 96186
Wow.. wow is all I can say. I can’t thank you enough. That is absolutely perfect, thank you so much!
