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Specific need photoshop help isolating logo


I was hoping someone could help me change around the logo in the image:

I need that top gray bar cut out, "O F A U G U S T A" added to "A S S O C I A T E S", and instead of "practice limited to cardiovascular medicine", it says "Cardiologist Services". Also if you could get the color to match the blue on this website: www.hvaaugusta.com, that would be great.
Here's one version ... could not find the same ampersand used in the original ... if you know the font name, I can correct it.
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Hey wow-this is incredible. Do you think you would be able to change the color of the font itself to the blue color and the background to white?
... no problem. My only comment is that the upper part of the logo is very close to the left margin. I would want to center it up just a bit ... move the graphic and the text a bit to the right to pull it away from the left margin a bit.IMG_1461c.jpg ...
