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Need help with changing text on header.


New Member
Hey, I downloaded a header with the permission to use it. Unfortunaly it were a .psd file, as I don't have photoshop.
As far as I know it is editable layers, and i want the text to be changed to; MMORPG Norge
I'll highly appreciate it, keep the header as it is already, but just change the text.
Also, can you please give me the file as .jpg so I can use it on my page? Thanks :)

I uploaded it on 2shared, cause my file were too big to be attached to my post.
2shared - download gz_header.psd

If you don't find where to download it, look at the bottom corner where it says ''Save file to your PC: click here'' :)
Do not be fooled....... I just got bombarded clicking on anything!
