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Need help! PLEASE!


New Member
Using PS2 with XP. Worked perfectly for last several years. Suddenly, NOTHING opens in PS at all. Any photo I import, JPG, or PDF or GIFF, anything, I get a message, "Could not open (doc) because of a program error"

That's all. No other explanation, and message always the same.

I have rebooted repeatedly, removed and reloaded PS2 (twice) and nothing has helped.

Any Ideas?
I don't know the answer, but as nobody else has replied, I'll make a suggestion. Sometimes when you unload and reload a program, your personal preferences and some other files are not removed, and they may cause problems. See if you can find anything related that didn't get deleted when you scrubbed the program.

And cross your fingers that someone else shows up with a suggestion.
Like I said, everything was working fine. The SW is Photoshop Elements 2.0 in case that wasn't clear. I had just scanned 2 photos and cropped the first and a few seconds later, when I imported the second, I got the fault message and have had it ever since. I even tried deleting my thumbnail cache as I read on the net from another source. No help. I'm stuck.
resetting your preferences may work. I had this problem a lot with cs2. cs3 and up seemed to stop the problem.
second redownload your picture and try to open it again. sometimes there was a problem with that as well.
MikeyC and Steve. Thank You Both. You were right! Went to PS HELP under 'setting preferences', and used their suggestion to 'restore preferences to default', and that worked like a charm. Thanks again a whole bunch. I really appreciate when people like you come to the aid of a newbie.
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