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Need help creating horizontal lines through a shape

I could use some help on a rather simple idea that I just can't figure out. I'm trying to do a design a school tshirt for a charity fundraiser. There are a couple rectangles in the image that I wanted to place horizontal lines through, sorta as if the rectangle had been raked. Another way to look at it is instead of having a single horizontal bar (as seen on the third row), I want to transform it into 5 perfectly spaced thin horizontal bars. I'm trying to go for a sort of 80s effect, kinda like you see in those silly looking sunglasses that people used to wear:

View attachment 22302

The problem is, I don't know how to perfectly space the lines. Additionally, this imagine is going to be used on a few different colors of shirt (not just black), so it's almost as if I need to place horizontal lines that have an empty fill, if that makes sense. I'm attaching a rough idea... I'd be tremendously thankful for any help.

View attachment 22301
try that: create rectangle and then copy it to separate layers some many times ( in your case 5 times) and rearrange them like that :


than just select all of them and use transform to mach your rectangle, you will have it divided in perfect 5 rows
Ok, so I've made one long rectangle, multiplied it five times, and spaced them apart. I can see what you mean now about selecting all five layers and using transform to fit them all to the right shape. I guess my question is, how to I perfectly space them apart? Do I just use the ruler on the left side? Sorry, total newbie question, I'm not familiar with perfectly aligning things and making sure they have the exact same amount of pixels in between. Thanks a ton for your help!
hold left shit while moving and the object will move just on one axis. plus they will kinda clip, stick together if there are aligned ( u can see it if you zoom) and if you need more space between them just make more rectangles and then remove every second one after aligning to the shape
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