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Need help creating banner


New Member
I am very new to PS and am using PS CS2. I am attempting to create a web-site for our small non-profit organization. I created a banner for the top of our pages with our name in it. What I am not able to figure out is how to round off the top 2 corners so it is not just a plain rectangle. I have looked for a tutorial but could not find one. I am sure it is an easy task but this is my first time with PS.

Thank You,

there's a few ways to do this, here's one
Thanks for the fast response. I'll be giving that try!!

Edit: I used the marque tool for this and it worked except that the curved edge seems a tad blurry. Is there an easy way to make that smooth?


I prefer to do this with vectors. A rounded rectangular can easily be created with the shape tool (Rounded Rectange Tool), which also allows you te select a radius for the corner in the option bar. Make sure the paths icon is selected in that same option bar when you draw the shape.
When you're done, select in the menu Layer / Add vector Mask / Current mask and it will create a mask based on the current path. The path can be easily adjusted to get 2 rounded corners instead of 4, just make sure that you make use of rulers, guides and snap which makes the whole process much easier.

Just use the method you prefer, I'm just offering an alternative. :)
