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Specific Need edit separating layers on an image or separating the hidden image.


New Member
I am trying to separate or view the image that is hidden behind the boat image in this PDF.

Mod edit: Link removed.
Screen Shot 2020-07-02 at 8.30.25 PM.png

I have also attached a version of the boat image that I tried to play with filters on to bring out the image more and circled a few of the areas that you can see the other image in...with different filters I was able to see some of the image the boat was laid over but have not been able to fully view it...I was hoping someone would be able to do a better job than I have been able to do. I have also had success in flipping and rotation the image and being able to view more things hidden in the image. Any help would be greatly appreciated!!!

Thank you for your time.

I'm not sure what makes you think there's a hidden message here. Does it say that in the story you attached? (I spent about three minutes skimming the 15-page story, but I didn't see any reference to a hidden image or, for that matter, any reference to the boat illustration at all.)

There are no "layers" in a PDF image, so there is not much that can be done in Photoshop. Just for fun, I examined the individual RGB channels, chose the Blue channel, and then boosted the contrast. If you truly believe there's a hidden message, then maybe you can imagine that the dark shading along the side of the boat spells a word (on the left) and has some vague pictogram images (on the right). But frankly, to me it's a bit like staring at clouds and convincing yourself that the cloud looks like Justin Bieber. I don't really see anything at all here.

Thanks Rich!...basically i have found that by rotating the image I have been able to view different parts hidden in the image itself...ie. the green shading below the boat in the water is actually a picture of the island itself...but the image in the boat and the lettering seem to be easier to see and read when i flip the image upside down...also in the blue water there seems to be an image that ties into the image inside the boat...I appreciate your time in trying this, thanks again.
