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need advice on old photo


I have a very old, underexposed photo that I'm hoping can be salvaged in Photoshop. I'm pretty much a newbie and have just gotten CS5 but am not very good at photo correction. I was hoping to get someone here that is more experienced to tell me if they think this photo can be saved!!

Many thanks for any help you can provide.

I've been trying to add it as an attachment, but it doesn't seem to be working.
More posts needed first mate, and welcome aboard - i love the retouch stuff - you will get the hang of it with all our help.
Post the image directly here using the
The larger the scan the better.

If it's to large to post as a jpg put it in a zip file and upload it.
Click on "Go Advanced" then scrawl down to "Manage Attachments"
Thanks for the info. I'm going to try uploading as a zip file since it still won't insert the image in this text box!
I've tried multiple times to add the image, but it doesn't load. I've checked the requirements and it does not exceed the jpg max of 3500x3500 and it is not even 1MB in size. I tried the advanced upload with a zip file, but that did not work either. Is there something that I'm doing wrong?

on the subject of underexposed shots, in GIMP (sorry not a savvy PS user yet) you can set the luminosity higher by going to colours then curves then play about with it until you are happy. or let GIMP do it by going to colours, then auto, then white balance.
GIMP is free and a quick Google search will lead you in the right direction.
Photoshop is not the best for dealing with under or over exposed photos simplistically....I do however have all OnOne software and Alienskin plugins which a couple of them are made especially for that. That is what I would suggest to do or post it up and I will give it a go for you!
Why not host it from an OFF SITE resource (there's loads out there).
camp cousins in yard.jpg
Is it better probably not you really cant do a lot when it comes to restoring a picture where quarter of it hardly exsists
depends how much you can save, and the persons ability to do such a task. But yeah some editing will take place at some stage, i started this but off to airport soon.


  • camp cousins in yard copy.jpg
    camp cousins in yard copy.jpg
    77.5 KB · Views: 13
or in less of course you want it artificially coloured then yes you can bring it back a lot look in tutorial section which there are topics on restoring old photos and colouring in black and white pictures
The dark


  • camp cousins in yard.jpg
    camp cousins in yard.jpg
    333.8 KB · Views: 4
