Hello everyone,
Now I have this logo that?s in pretty bad shape and I was wondering if anyone is able to help me out by editing it a little

The logo is for a school, and I was hoping to use it on a new school website which I am currently designing. Here?s the website so far.http://lombe.5gbfree.com/chalo/
Now what I want is for the logo to sit beside the header text ?CHALO TRUST SCHOOL?. I want it to look something like this http://imgur.com/ZQvumXK

The problem I have is the logo is of very poor quality and my photoshop skills are below average so I?m not sure how to go about making it look better.
The text above the globe says ?CHALO TRUST SCHOOL? and the text(the school motto) below says ?Dedication Commitment and Excellence?. If there is no space to work with, the motto below the globe can be removed.
Please feel free to do anything to the logo to make it look better and/or more modern.
Now I have this logo that?s in pretty bad shape and I was wondering if anyone is able to help me out by editing it a little

The logo is for a school, and I was hoping to use it on a new school website which I am currently designing. Here?s the website so far.http://lombe.5gbfree.com/chalo/
Now what I want is for the logo to sit beside the header text ?CHALO TRUST SCHOOL?. I want it to look something like this http://imgur.com/ZQvumXK

The problem I have is the logo is of very poor quality and my photoshop skills are below average so I?m not sure how to go about making it look better.
The text above the globe says ?CHALO TRUST SCHOOL? and the text(the school motto) below says ?Dedication Commitment and Excellence?. If there is no space to work with, the motto below the globe can be removed.
Please feel free to do anything to the logo to make it look better and/or more modern.