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Illustrator Need a Guru to import two small images into a document please.


I would appreciate it if one of you Gurus could import two small pre-made images
into a measured space for me in Adobe Illustrator.
I have tried it for quite awhile with no success. I am able to get one in all right, but
not both. I am assuming I need to learn how to use Layers?

In error, I used the word document for which I apologize. What I actually need is a glossy black card, which is 2 1/2" wide X 3" high, with a word placed at the top central,
and two words placed at the bottom, central. I will provide the words which are colored, and in the tiff format, and also have transparent backgrounds so only the words extrude from the black background. I have experimented with Illustrator, without success. If anyone would be kind enough to help me out on this, I would appreciate it.
Thank you,
Regina Alden
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Hi Regina

We do not like the words Photoshop and Documents mixed could you please provide more info on what you require.

Also due to the nature of this being a public forum We ask all members not to publish personal email addresses or any form of contact at this stage as you dont know who is actually reading this.
