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Need a Good Web Page Header Tutorial


New Member
Hi all - I'm new to this site - it looks like a really great PS site and I look forward to participating and contributing in the future.

I'm looking for a good photoshop tutorial for creating the kind of web page headers such as you see on this site and the millions of other sites out there with headers like them:


To be clear, I mean the the "abstract" looking header with the layered, transparent images, color gradients, patterns etc.

I've also noticed them being used a lot on the templates at Template Monster

I've done some searching on google but I've had no luck finding a good tutorial.
Never wanted to say it was your fault, my friend. Besides, I just noticed that theKeeper has put it on the site's main entrance!?!?!?
Erik, you need to invest in one of the many freeware popup stopping apps out there nowadays. [honesty]

Everyone and their dog is using that irritating method of advertising now. So it's NOT going to just go away by itself, unfortunately. It's up to each person to handle this problem for themselves if they find it annoying -- as i'm sure we all do.

PS: and yes... i am trying something new with the TemplateMonster.com thing on the front page. Please bear with me. ;)
