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Need a favor PLEASE


New Member
What's up everyone. I am wondering if anyone would be willing to do me a favor in their spare time. I don't know anything about photoshop but I don't think it should take very long? Would someone please edit the picture of the sled twice. One where the yellow is a similar blue to the jacket, and another where the yellow is similar to the orange of the jacket. Thanks A TON for your help.

For some reason it is not letting me attach the pictures. I've provided the links, truly sorry.
How's this?

Thanks again for the previous help Hawkeye. Now that I can post links again, would anyone be willing to mess with the new snowmobile graphic I'm getting? I really like the yellow but would truly appreciate it if someone would be willing to edit the linked picture so that all of the yellow is the same orange as the linked jacket. Thanks for the help and your time.


okay...this is easy if you want to know. This is the step.

1. Duplicate your layer (Ctrl + J) always do this when editing a photo.
2. Choose your New duplicated layer then go to Image>Adjustment>Replace Color
3. Choose an area with color that you want to replace using the eye droper tool.
4. Change the fuzziness (the slider) till the area that you want to replace covered.
5. Next.... change the color using the hue slider in the replacement tab below. Okay.
6. Done. Ok. Whoallaaaa......
7. Check the photo.....if theres an area that you dont want to replace but replaced because it had the same color. Then change it back. (like the truck)
8. Use the Add layer Mask in the layer tab. Then paint black on the area you want to mask (the truck) --- told you to duplicate the layer first.
9. Here We Go................

Thanks for the help SicSid. The reason I asked for help is because I don't have photoshop. I probably could have mentioned that before but oh well. Thanks again.
Thanks for the help SicSid. The reason I asked for help is because I don't have photoshop. I probably could have mentioned that before but oh well. Thanks again.

We are a nice forum, and welcome any member here, it would have been good if you did say you didn't have Photoshop, as this is just telling the truth, members here would still help, but please remember, things like you not saying you dont have photoshop, will make other member think twice about doing work for you for free, some member will do work for free, we are nice like that :)

I hope you do keep coming back to the forum, as it's a good place to keep comng and learing :)
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keep coming back
SEE WHAT KIND OF SMACK DOWN (avatar)KRF HAS FOR ME NEXT TIME!:banghead::cheesygrin:
keep coming back
SEE WHAT KIND OF SMACK DOWN (avatar)KRF HAS FOR ME NEXT TIME!:banghead::cheesygrin:

I'm still wating on yours, time is ticking lol
I told you .When you least expect it...............EXPECT IT.......... getting nervous r we? LOL
I told you .When you least expect it...............EXPECT IT.......... getting nervous r we? LOL

Nope, I'm just thinking of my next one.
