I am most impressed.
I do feel very sad about your condition (You do are an example of strength, willpower and faith in life for many!), yet for the moment this is of no influence here as we talk website.
This said, your website.
1/ It loads very quickly.
2/ The design is original, friendly, smells fresh air, is user-friendly and the navigation is extremely limpid and clear.
3/ Your works are of a quality that is more than sufficient to try and make some money with them.
4/ As designing gardens is one of your activities, the colours and theme are well-chosen.
What do I like less? The text on the windows-taskbar. I personally prefer to see the link that I'm going to, and that is hidded by that text.
How to get more people to your site? Add some tutorials, tips and tricks. This also gives people faith in your abilities!
I bookmarked your site, and I will take a closer look at all your work soon.