Bahama, you have improved a lot in the time since you started coming to PSG (we can't take all the credit but thanks for acknowledging the site). You've worked well with people here and are very respectful. I like that. I understand your attachment to the rich patterns and swirly fonts. But hoogle is right. Your business card is not the place to put complex art, especially if it obscures the message.
Whatever color you want to make your logo or text is fine, but the nice streamlined shape of the logo is completely lost in the design as it is now. If you want something in addition to the logo, I suggest you keep some of the gradient like you have around the phone number and email, but much more subtle, and as stuff demonstrates, a lot smaller font size.
Think white space :mrgreen:
Think simplicity
I've been told this: If you think about how you would describe yourself and your business to someone who didn't know you, imagine that you meet on an elevator, and by the time you reach the ground floor you must have finished your explanation.
A business card is kind of like that, only more so. It has to say in one brief glance who you are and what you do. SO keep it simple. You can do it. It's a good logo design.