I decided not to wait any longer.. I went out and bought a 55 gallon from Wal*Mart and some sand from ACE Hardware. I have been feeling real bad for my fish and after I heard a comment about an elephant living in a garage I decided to go out and do what I have needed to do for awhile. BUY A LARGER TANK!
I still have my sights set on a 150 gallon but that will have to come some time in the future. And as for the other fish (Another Convict, Jack Dempsey, Texas Cichlid, 3 Algae Eaters, 3 Cory Cats) they will be added within the week.. I don't want to over load the tank all at once.
I have never had this large of a tank before so you can imagine my excitement. Most of all, when I put the Con in there and saw him start to swim around... That just brought a huge smile on my face. He was stuck in a 10 gallon tank and now he has 45 more gallons to call home. Same will go for the Texas Cichlid (currently living in a 10 gallon) and the Dempsey, other Con, Algae Eaters, and Cory Cats (all currently living in a 29 gallon).
Though? when I happen upon a 150 gallon for the right price I will not be concerned about the fish?s health anymore. My ?elephant? will no longer have to live in the garage but have substantial space in a palace set aside with friends.
I still have my sights set on a 150 gallon but that will have to come some time in the future. And as for the other fish (Another Convict, Jack Dempsey, Texas Cichlid, 3 Algae Eaters, 3 Cory Cats) they will be added within the week.. I don't want to over load the tank all at once.

I have never had this large of a tank before so you can imagine my excitement. Most of all, when I put the Con in there and saw him start to swim around... That just brought a huge smile on my face. He was stuck in a 10 gallon tank and now he has 45 more gallons to call home. Same will go for the Texas Cichlid (currently living in a 10 gallon) and the Dempsey, other Con, Algae Eaters, and Cory Cats (all currently living in a 29 gallon).
Though? when I happen upon a 150 gallon for the right price I will not be concerned about the fish?s health anymore. My ?elephant? will no longer have to live in the garage but have substantial space in a palace set aside with friends.