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My first 55 gallon fish aquarium!!


Well-Known Member
I decided not to wait any longer.. I went out and bought a 55 gallon from Wal*Mart and some sand from ACE Hardware. I have been feeling real bad for my fish and after I heard a comment about an elephant living in a garage I decided to go out and do what I have needed to do for awhile. BUY A LARGER TANK!

I still have my sights set on a 150 gallon but that will have to come some time in the future. And as for the other fish (Another Convict, Jack Dempsey, Texas Cichlid, 3 Algae Eaters, 3 Cory Cats) they will be added within the week.. I don't want to over load the tank all at once.




I have never had this large of a tank before so you can imagine my excitement. Most of all, when I put the Con in there and saw him start to swim around... That just brought a huge smile on my face. He was stuck in a 10 gallon tank and now he has 45 more gallons to call home. Same will go for the Texas Cichlid (currently living in a 10 gallon) and the Dempsey, other Con, Algae Eaters, and Cory Cats (all currently living in a 29 gallon).

Though? when I happen upon a 150 gallon for the right price I will not be concerned about the fish?s health anymore. My ?elephant? will no longer have to live in the garage but have substantial space in a palace set aside with friends.
Hey very cool Wait :righton:

An old friend had a huge tank and we used to sit there and watch about 30 fishies I think it was do their thing,it was like the sims or a society quite amazing.I never knew so many fish were just plain cranky [stuned]

I dont know much at all about tanks or stuff but is normal sand ok for the fish?

I don't see why it wouldn't be.. as long as it is clean there shouldn't be a problem. I hear a lot of people that have used "play" sand for their tanks with no problems accruing.
I can understand your excitement Wait ;)
I have a small tank myself and although the fish seem to be quite happy, I was thinking about buying a 55 gallon one day too (a long one), once it's the right time. So what kind of filter are you using? It looks like a tiny one [stuned]
Well, I have two on there right now. A Magnum 300 canister filter and a Aqua-Tech 30-60 power filter which came with the setup. I plan on switching that filter out with a larger on some time in the near future. :righton:
Put another "home" in their home.. ;)
lol.. If you want you can play that seek and find game to see what is different in the pics above... :D :D :bustagut: :bustagut:
Hey Wait if your into fish you might like this place http://forums.delphiforums.com/fishyfrolics/start it is a public forum for fish lovers :D

It is very exciting to get a new tank - I don't think we will be building any more for some time (not sure of the conversion but we have a 1000 litre tank).
We just got a couple of gobies (sand sifters) as the sand in the tank was getting a bit dirty and the sand we use is the same sand they use in a pool's filter! We also got a bicolour angel he is so pretty brilliant yellow and dark blue :D and yeah Stu we sit and watch the fish more than the TV here......... with the clowns fighting over anenome's prawns tied on string dropped into the tank for a feed = entertainment frenzies of all sorts ha ha ha
he he he it happens [saywhat] or we get the "nothing happens when I switch it on"........... but did you plug it in? oops [stuned]
How exciting for you! Congratulations Wait! :D

And, nice pics... thanks for sharing! ;)

I don't have a clue how big a 55 gal tank is [confused]... maybe a pic of you beside the tank to give me an idea? :)
Very cool! I have 3 tanks, one 10 gal, one 5 gal hex and one 20 gal right now. I have Tetras and an African Dwarf Frog in the 10 gal, Betta in the 5 gal hex since he ate some of the Tetras he has to be by himself, and two Oscars and a Bala Shark in the 20 gal. Needless to say another tank is in order for the Oscars soon.
