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Hi everyone, I really hope that someone can help me out. Something really strange has happened to my PS7. I have tried everything and its doing my head in [doh] . Whenever I go to my browser in PS, it is stuck right in the top left hand corner of the screen. I try clearing the pallettes, resetting them to their original locations but to no avail. Its so far up in the corner that I can't navigate on it. Please, please, can someone come to the rescue? :(
If you tried resetting the palettes, you will have to Reset your preferences... hold Shift+Control+Alt when you start Photoshop... but save all the settings before.!

Thanks Pierre for your tip, but I still have the problem. I have attached a screenshot of what my workspace looks like. A real inconvenience as I use my browser all the time.

Would appreciate any advise or anyone else has for this prob.

Many thanks

[confused] Have you "maximized" your browser???? Ummmm... so obvious, I just had to ask! ;)
did you see the warning " do you want to reset your preferences?"


Try to move the option bar (there is an zone where you can select it at the Left of the hand on the pic you've posted) move it...

Push the drop down arrow inside the circle on the File browser palette, select "dock to palette well", then undock it to somewhere else on screen.

Another solution is to hide your tools : hit [TAB]
then Switch to full screen mode: hit [F] twice, now, call the file browser : [Shift+CTRL+o]
it might be showing lower as there should not be any option bar visible

-Edited for clarity-

Tell us if one solution works for you!
:{ I wished it were that simple. Yes my browser is fully maximised and I have a 17 inch screen. Really at a loss..................
about what? the option bar? it's the bar where you have the settings, under File, tools... there are two vertical lines where you can move the option bar

excuse me, but a little bit of manual reading helps, sometimes ;)

Oh dear.........no peace for the wicked - or for everyone out there as well. Yes. now I understand wot you mean by the Options bar. Agree tho I have a lot to learn. Don't know about my browser tho. Doesn't say that is supposed to happen in the manuals. Well I tried everything you suggested but to no avail. Don't say I gotta reinstall???? Maybe it would be quicker? :D

:D :bustagut:
Hooray. Thanks everyone for your help. Just posted to say nothing is rectifying my problem. Closed down Photoshop. Opened it up again to show my other half my problem - Hey Presto all is back to normal. So what do you say to that? Not a lot I suppose :D

Maybe it was your suggestions that helped. Another learning curve for me tho.

Wished I knew wot started the problem. Was it something I done? I will never know. ;\
oops, I edited the message with the explanationsagain while you where posting :)

So when you try both suggestions, you don't even see the Circle with the down facing arrow, on the Browser? and, pushing it, select "dock on the palette well"?

If not, try again deleting your preferences: hit SHIFT+ALT+CONTROL when you click on the Photoshop icon (you have to launch it from the program icon)

You should see a message asking if you're sure that you want to delete your preferences...

Please tell us if you've seen that!

You can also simply search your hard drive for a *.psp file and delete it. It will be called something along the lines of "Adobe Photoshop X Prefs.psp".

;\ Sorry if I sounded harsh... of course one cannot know everything about our beloved program. No one knows everything!

I am well and truly happy and a BIG THANKS to all. :)

I am now happily playing and I MEAN playing with my photoshop. As you may well know by now I am a newbie and TRYING to teach myself everyday ;\

I will know who to come to in the future when I come across some wierd happenings!
sPECtre: well and it could come back
[honesty] So true joanykins! Stranger things have been known to happen... 8[ and, FYI, in the future, the first "diagnostic test" would be to shut PS down and relaunch it. ;) Things do go "awry" for no obviously apparent reason... [confused]

In conclusion, I'm just glad to see that you're "back on track" and that you're happily playing with PS again! :D
:righton: glad to see you got it all back to normal........ we have to remember that ps is memory hungry and an occasional shut down does wonders as you found out he he he
Depending on how many images the file browser is being asked to display, it can hog up a lot of memory. There are ways to clear memory, including clearing your clipboard, history, etc. One of the fastest ways though is what you did....simply quitting and relaunching the app.
