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Music logo request


Hey guys, im new to the forums but not to photoshop, however i do not have photoshop on my new computer,
so i am looking for someone to do a logo/ name design for my music(soundcloud, facebook ect,ect,)
I am looking for something like this
Koala Name logo.png(Notice my ms paint skills :P)
Something like that but more "photoshopy" or creative, anything really that catches my eye that is just my design.
so if anyone could create this or something cool/Better please help
i will give credit in all of the songs/ website's i use it on
Please and thank you
K0ala <3
WOW that looks great!!!!! that is exactly how i pictured mine coming in ms paint :P
but just a couple of things
could you change the "o" to a "0"
and maybe make the Words black looks just too "girly" lol
But that is an amazing job!!!!
