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Mushroom Planet

You're such a 'fun-guy' to have on the forums.:bustagut:

I'll get me coat.

My only observation here is the bottom left corner.....it has DOF but the rest doesn't...?

A little DOF 'blur' along the bottom (including the bottom left) so it was consistant would turn this 'good' image into a 'great' image.

Personally I'd also blur the edges of the other 'added' elements too....just so they blend in more with the overall background sharpness....or lack of it, whichever way you look at it.

I dunno...just my 2¢


Having said all that I DO like it though......'Shroom on a Moon'.....cool.:thumbsup:
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Thank you MrTom, yep I see what you mean and appreciated your comment, will fix and adjust
Your a fungi to have here too :bustagut:
Wow gedstar... an excellent composite once again!
Suggestion: A low mushroomy skyline (like buildings) on the horizon instead of the rocky towers?
