So essentially, when I'm editing a jpeg/png whatever for a website, my process usually is:
1. Save as > .psd file > Save
then once it's saved
2. I'd hit Save as again, then change the file type to a .jpeg and set the quality etc. then hit Save.
Is there a way of streamlining this? Or some sort of shortcut or anything programmable I don't know about? Would be helpful, especially if I'm bulk editing as it does take up a bit of time
1. Save as > .psd file > Save
then once it's saved
2. I'd hit Save as again, then change the file type to a .jpeg and set the quality etc. then hit Save.
Is there a way of streamlining this? Or some sort of shortcut or anything programmable I don't know about? Would be helpful, especially if I'm bulk editing as it does take up a bit of time