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Moving a selected layer deselects the layer and reselects Layer 1


New Member
This has started suddenly. I've got six or seven layers open (background, a couple of text layers, a couple of boxes or arrows, etc.). I select one of the text layers and when I try to move it with the mouse, Photoshop selects--for me--the background layer and that's what's getting moved.

Sometimes I can use the keyboard to move the desired layer around a bit, then "sneak behind Photoshop's back" and push my layer to where I want it to be. But, if I let up on the mouse button, it goes back to the background layer.

I'm sure this is some very obscure setting, but Hell if I can find it.
hi i work in a lot of layers but i dont use a mouse i use a pen you have to make sure that the layer you wanted is really selected and if it is and still have problems just click the icon to the left of each layer that isnt selected so those layers are invisible and the only visible layer is the one that you want to move.
