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Monochrome effect? Sin City idea with red only


New Member
This isn't the image I am going to end up doing but this example will work I think.
I want to do something like Sin City. I have an image I want in monochrome, but have only the color I want showing.
If you didn't see Sin City, the movie was in black and white, but everything you can see red. Is this a simple enough procedure? I can make the picture monochrome or red, but I cant do what I want to do. Any help/ideas?
The picture I attached is just a lady in a red dress. I want to only have the red of her dress in color.

Thank you.
Duplicate the picture on a new layer. Make it grayscale using your favorite grayscale technique. Apply a layer mask to the layer and mask out the dress. Voila. :)

Welcome to PSG.
I think I did it right. I had the gray picture on top, masked out the dress, then cleared the selection. Then, I had to put the other layer on top. Is that right?
Not sure what exactly you did by the explanation... but since it worked for you... yes... that's right. ;)
If you study Frank Millers work, I think you'll find that the 'reds' you mention are either separated out of high contrast single or multi-level black and white posterizations on a 2nd layer or done by hand or both. Sort of like the attached.
Add a Hue & Saturation adjustment layer, bring down saturation and change the mask;

- it cuts the file size almost in half
- most of the changes to the original image only have to be done to a single layer

Welcome to PSG. :)
