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Molweni to all!


Hi all.. I found Photoshop Gurus' forum via an extensive search for Photo Manipulating techniques, as I'm currently concepting a massive wall graphic for our Studio in Cape Town, South Africa. So I hope that with everyone's input, and guidance, i can make this an exciting and valuable experience! :cheesygrin:

during the next 5 months, i'll be posting some elements of the design and a basic progess! So if you can give positive AND negative feedback that would be brutal!

Keep it loud!

Hamba Kakhuthle!
Welcome mr-nis
hope we can help, one way or another....... good luck with your project
welcome to the forums, looks like you find a lucky link there :)
Keep us posted on your project and let us know about any ways we can help.
Welcome to the forum :)

Sounds like a cool project, looking forward to seeing your progress.
Great success! Thanks! I'm currently sketching all my pencils and charcoals away, but as soon as I have visuals.. you wil be the first to know about it!

Keep it loud till then!
