Hi Inkz,
Thanks for the info, i did not read that, sorry about that
I did not find the "edit post" button so i'll explain all of it here:
1: What type of work is needed?
Android layout design.
2: What is your budget?
+- 150 - 200 euro's
3: A full description of the work required.
Android layout design for 2 applications. The apps are 95% the same when it comes to layout.
But 'course if the designer has a better idea he can implement that too.
Buttons that can be clicked should also have an on-click version (f.e.: the same image but with a different color, or a white/coloured line appearing/disapearing etc...)
Every image should be scalable (9 patch images can take care of this i think).
Multiple layouts of the same should be made, but it's just a matter of scaling them up/down. The standard is
320x480, and then we have 480x800 and 640x960.
Also keep in mind that buttons must not be too small to click on a smartphone, as that might be the case on a 320x480
4: Deadline or approximate time frame:
No real deadline, but the faster the better 'course
5: Please check our minimum pricing guidelines.
No comments as there are no smartphone app layout prices in there
I know my full description might look like a lot of work, but it really isn't all that much for a good designer.
I'm not looking for something special. It has to look good, feel good and work good.
I have a rough design sketch on how i think it couldlook from a design point of view, which can be viewed here:
http : / / dl1.stream-unlimited.be/str-unl/lars/designMain.png
http : / / dl1.stream-unlimited.be/str-unl/lars/designSettings.png
but by no means let my sketch influence your design ideas, just make sure that all the options/buttons are there
As an extra: if the designer has knowledge of android apps, it would be sweet if he can also provide the .xml files with the layout.
But that's not a must
If our cooperation is good i will probably have extra jobs for you in the future, as i'm full of ideas for apps
Kind regards,