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Missing window?


New Member
OK, i just got photoshop CS2 V9.0 last month and i've been using it happily up till now.

But this afternoon when I opened a file to edit it. The main image display window did not appear.

Now all the images i open appear in the navigator window, the layers and history but the workspace?/main editing window wont open.
Hopefuly i've just selected some option without thinking but i cant find it anywhere.
I cant find anything about this in the help file or on adobes site and its annoying as i have a deadline coming up and i dont want to reinstall.

can anyone help?
Welcome to PsG!

Have you tried resetting the palettes location? Look in the view or windows menu.
If this does not work, you'll need to reset the preferences. (Search google for "Photoshop reset preferences")
Did it work?
HAve you updated Photoshop to 9.02?
Did you change your screen resolution recently?
