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Barhom Basri

Active Member
Hello everybody, how ya'll doing? I hope everybody is doing perfect.
My name is Ibrahim Basree, but I like to call my name Barhom Basri.
I'm a 16 years old multilingual graphic designer. I'm from Iraq, but in 2009, I came to the United States of America (Columbus, OH) :rocker:
I like all kinda of art, but mostly I like graphic design. I've been designing for around 3 years. And still building my years :banghead:

Also, I like playing video games and making tutorials. (I will share my tutorials with you guys :) )

And that is it :mrgreen:
Welcome Barhom....

Pleased to have you here, welcome and enjoy.

Thanks Inkz .. I really liked this site. I got the reaction that I wanted on my videos. People didn't just say thanks for sharing m8. :D
Members are respectful and everything is good!

Thanks guys for keeping this forum a good place to develop and share our skills.
