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After Effects Masking part of video that is not static


New Member
Greetings people.
I am new to this forums, but I plan to become regular because I have decided to venture into world of video editing :)
And of course, as any other new guy, I have ran into problems, or better to say difficulties.
Here's my problem, I hope someone can help me solve it, or at least point me in a right direction.
I have a video (1 mb file size, rendered with xvid just to chop the size. hosted on my site ht*tp://ch1zra.com/d3/meljator.avi )
In this video is character selection from upcoming D3, or rather it's beta stage. Now, what I would like is to mask out everything except barbarian (and his mighty roar) to black, and to leave only him visible.
What would be the best way to do this ?
Would it help if I had an static image of entire screen without barbarian there ?
I do hope that I don't have to go frame by frame and adjust some mega-poligonal mask to fit his movements.
It is "only" 86 frames in this one, but it could get much much more in some other video.

thanx in advance.
not sure how complicated the mask needs to be but you can link a mask to motion tracking so you can motion track key points with a mask linked to a knull object. I think video copilot do a good motion tracking tutorial www.videocopilot.net
thanx a lot. I got some basic idea but it will still need a lot of brute force key-by-key action.
thanx a lot!
