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Making an ADVANCED animated gif?


I'm sure you didn't understand what i meant by "advanced" but i created a video of me saying everything i'm trying to make. so can you watch it and help me with creating this gif? (or video. doesn't matter)

looking forward for your answers. thank you.

UPPS1 it's forbidden for me to post links till i post 5 messages. ok then, so here's the deal. i have a 10 seconds video clip with some folks dancing in it. i wanna put my friends heads as a still picture instead of original ones in the video. so bodies and whole video will keep moving but the heads will be still pictures.

i hope i explained it well =)

anyone can help me with this?
Hi... you have to open the vid or gif in PS in animation mode.

Cutout your friends head images and drag them into the animation to position one by one over each frame of the animation gif.
Yeah i tried that but i just couldn't figure it out. When i put the image onto first frame, and start to working on second animation frame, when i move the head on second frame, i see the head from first animation frame under it. Did you get it? =))

By the way. İ forgot to say hi. Hi forum, i'm new here. What uppp!?
I think that's coz you didn't make the layer of the second frame of the animation visible.

You have to follow the animation by it's layers...... Layer 1=first frame.... layer 2 = second frame.... so on....

first frame ... layer 1 is visible ( the rest are hidden ) and head layer above that.....

when you select frame 2, hide layer 1 and make layer 2 visible with a head layer duplicate above layer 2...

And the same process down the line....
İ doesn't work. When i hit the play, the frames that i worked on are playing nothing.. Example, i modified 10 frames, on this 10 frames there is nothing going on, and from 11th, it starts playing. Maybe i should try it on video clip directly. Maybe it would be easier then working on gif. CS6... But still i'm gonna need help =)
You need to click frame 2 in the timeline not just hide layers you will also probably be better of merging your image down to the layer beliow it so your just adding to the original frames and not technically adding any more layers.
As Hoogle said and I mentioned in my last post - you do it frame by frame in the animation timeline.

Each frame in the timeline has a corresponding layer.... Frame 1 - layer 1 , frame 2 - layer 2 , frame 3 - layer 3 .

you can take Hoogle's advice of merging down the face to the appropriate layer but you won't be able to edit them easily later.

You can drag the face layer to top of the heap and simply click transform move the face as you do each frame in the timeline in sequence, . BUT if you edit any of the earlier done frames in the course of your work, the faces in the succeeding frames will be affected.

The best recourse is to create a duplicate of the face layer on each timeline frame..... frame 1 - layer 1 - face 1 .... frame 2 - layer 2 - face 1copy ..... frame 3 - layer 3 - face 1copy2 .... and so on .

You MUST maintain the sequence of the timeline and its corresponding layer in the animation or everything will go off step
frame 1 - layer 1 - face 1 .... frame 2 - layer 2 - face 1copy ..... frame 3 - layer 3 - face 1copy2 .... and so on .:banghead: but has to be done man.
frame 1 - layer 1 - face 1 .... frame 2 - layer 2 - face 1copy ..... frame 3 - layer 3 - face 1copy2 .... and so on .:banghead: but has to be done man.

What to do , Paul?... lol... That's just how it is....

Anyone who does these things must have the patience of a saint and the perseverance of a lunatic to pull it off.

Sarmanno... if you're up to it , visit avatar wars... with its variety of examples by the forum lunatics to give you inspiration.

Indeed we do mate, just a quick one to show that anything can be done lol.
View attachment 17716 i cut it to 10 frames then slowed the speed down slightly, just for example. It takes ages to position and get things right this was a ten minute job, the trick is to move the heads around so they look sort of like they should be there.
Why, there is always an action pallete to help you with animation

I made a quickie one for this case:
1. Match Layer Across Frames
2. Make layer
3. Merge Visible
4. Move current layer to the bottom
5. Select your face layer
6. Activate next animation frame

Assign the shortcut for it and use it to proceed to the next frame and move/transform the face layer.

Change the action freely to fit your particular case:)

Actions are quite usefull for such things. Here's a handwriting animation:

1. Make new layer
2. Merge visible
3. Hide current layer
4. Select forward layer

Draw your animation pressing the shortcut for this action each time you've finished with the current frame.

In the end delete the bottom layer, select all layers, Make Frames from Layers, Reverse Frames.

P.S.S. Long time ago I even used History, which recorded each step automatically. And later I ran special action which went through each History step and turned it to a new layer in some document:)
