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Making a picture have a snow/icey overlaying


I was messing around with diffrent methods of doing things a couple days ago, and found out that I just had made a really cool snow overlaying a picture!
First make a new area any size you want with a black background. Now, go to the swatches tablet and select RBG Yellow (The second colour). If you want the whole area to be iced/snowed, make a new layer, and fill the region with the RBG Yellow. If you just want a certain section filled, make a new layer, and use the pencil tool to fill what you want. Now make sure that yellow filled layer is selected and go to Filter>Texture>Texturizer. Here is where you will load your image as the texture. Under the texture option click load texture. Now go to the image file in which you?d like to texturize. Note: Image MUST be in PSD format. Now that you have loaded that, adjust the scaling and relief to your likings. For my example, I adjusted both to the highest (200, and 50). In the light direction, select top left. Now click ok. (Warning, do not invert!). Now you have a really ugly looking yellow with textured layer. Duplicate that layer by dragging it down to the duplicate it. Now, make the duplicated layer invisible by clicking the ?eye? icon on the layer menu. Select the orgional layer, and then press Ctrl+I To invert the layer colour. This will give a bluish tint to the snow. Now select the duplicated layer (the one that?s still yellow), and set the blending mode to luminosity. Still on the yellow layer, click Image>Adjustments>Color Balance. To give the image a more rough icey effect, move the arrow on the blue/yellow bar closer to the lue, and to get a more softer snowy effect, move the bar closer to the yellow. Note: No, this will not create yellow snow if done right!!!

There ya go! You now have your picure as snow!

[:I [slick]
Nice effect Alistair :righton: but sadly it doesn't look like snow; every day for the last 3 months or so I saw snow around me, so I know what it looks like ;)
A cool looking "texture" is what you've created, Alistair! ;)
Snow it ain't! :P
